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Release & Manifest - An Upliftment and Sound Healing Experience

dim. 09 janv.


Prana Santé

Start the year well: Release of the old and Manifest the NEW! Vibrate High into 2022!

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Release & Manifest - An Upliftment and Sound Healing Experience
Release & Manifest - An Upliftment and Sound Healing Experience


09 janv. 2022, 17:00 – 20:00

Prana Santé, Rue du Village 16B, 1274 Grens, Suiza


“Release & Manifest” – An Upliftment and Sound Healing Experience

Start the year well: Release of the old and Manifest the NEW! Vibrate High into 2022!

We will celebrate with Mamma-Cocoa

We will activate our body with Movement

We will focus our mind with Breath

We will release and manifest with Hypno-Meditation

We will clear, raise and expand our vibration with Sound

This magical experience will let you start into 2022 with an open heart, mind and a high vibe.

Experience release, joy and healing in our special event. 

Steff will start the journey with a small cocoa celebration by using an inspirational dose of approx. 25g of wild Criollo Bean Cocoa from Bolivia. Experience upliftment through light breathwork, embodied dancing and hypno-meditation.

After, Alex will enchant you with the healing frequencies of the spherical gong sounds. The one-hour gong bath session is a clearing, releasing and overall deeply healing experience for your whole system (physically, mentally and energetically).

Let’s set the vibe for the new year together.

Happiness is an inside job - Let’s try to make it light!

Excited to meet you soon!

Steff & Alex

Stefanie von Siebenthal

Upliftment through Movement, Breath and Hypnosis

IG: @steff_vs  /  @hypno_see_steff

Alejandro Notz

Sound Healing with Gongs, Crystal Bowls, Himalayan Bowls, Native American Flutes and Overtone Singing

IG:@ mr_notz. /  @fractalgong

The event will take place at Prana Sante in Grens (Nyon) /

Contact: 0783343473

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Sonothérapeutes spécialisés dans le gong, les bols tibétains, le chant harmonique et d'autres disciplines telles que le yoga, la danse et les techniques de méditation

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Chemin du Vernay 9B

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© Réalisé avec    par Mr Notz 2020

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